Thursday, December 22, 2011

Stay Away from Bans Buying WoW Gold

By Erika Gobeli

Grinding gold sucks! Don't have 10 hours a day to fly around and mine or pick herbs to make 1k gold an hour if you're lucky? I don't either. I was worried about buying gold for the fear of getting banned but these steps below have helped me avoid any bans for years.

If you are an everyday player, it is quite imperative to take full advantage of the game by strengthening the stats, abilities, suits as well as weapons of the character. However, if you have to level up the character or obtain essential items, it is very important to have enough gold in your hand. In case, if you are not able to farm for gold and make gold in the game, you also have an option to buy it.

Why is this guide better than free techniques? You need to be weary of guides that are just rehashed techniques you can find anywhere for free. Is this guide too specific? Remember everyone plays different races, alignments, and classes. If you're playing a mid-level Horde mage and you've found a guide for Level 80 Alliance Paladins, it's likely that you're going to have trouble applying the techniques in the guide to your own character.

Finally- the chance of being banned for buying gold is pretty low. What a lot of people fail to mention is the fact that if your account is in good standing the first time you get banned will most likely not be permanent (usually 72 hours ). The price of virtual gold can vary greatly between sellers.

Now that we've looked at the sort of things you should think about about any gold guides you're looking at purchasing, let's look at what the best gold guides are going to offer you. Now if you want to find these gold guides that offer all of of these things, I strongly encourage you to have a look at these in depth reviews and rankings of the best gold guides in the industry.

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