Wednesday, February 13, 2013

In Xbox 360 gaming the modded controllers bring the real fun

By Austin Stark

Gaming consoles have reached new heights with advance of technology and enhanced accessories. The new age consoles , new types of games and the availability of the gaming device in an affordable price range has made it a hobby and privilege for all age groups to play and enjoy their time with gaming consoles. In this article we shall discuss about how modded controllers have changed the speed of gaming and brings ecstasy and thrill to the game.

In the gaming sphere several names have been attributed to the controllers. Some of them are the Xbox 360 controllers, rapid fire controllers , Xbox 360 modz , predator modz, turbo modded controllers etc. These names are used because of the modded nature of the controllers.

Two broad categories of rapid fire modded controllers are available. One is a button type and the other is a stealth mode or trigger type rapid fire modded controllers. The categorization based on the type of modded controller you have the option available for firing. Basing on personal preferences the gamers select either mods and they are quite good individually.

We can discuss about the type one modded controller i.e. the button style mod. They are present at the back of the modded controllers. The buttons control the rapid fire function of the controller. The gamers may be needed to hold down the button when they are holding the trigger down. This enables the mod and makes the gaming action faster and fun. However sometimes this is considered as an inferior quality controller by some of the gamers , because it needs dual action of holding down the trigger and keep firing with the button.

Trigger mods enable a rapid fire modded controller to have all the same functionality as a button mod, except there are no external buttons. These types of modded controllers can be activated in many ways. Most good modded controllers use the existing sync button on the top of the controller. You might be asking yourself, "On the sync button? How does that work? Won't the controller sync when you activate the mod?" Not exactly. These controllers require you to "tap", not hold, the sync button to turn on the mod and switch modes. Try it yourself: go pick up your Xbox 360 controller, turn it on and tap the sync button. Nothing happens. That's what's awesome about these types of rapid fire controllers, you can change modes that fast.

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