Tuesday, January 1, 2013

What Features Companies Should Look For In Project Timeline Software?

By Seamus U. Swaniawski

Today is easy for companies to make project planning quicker and better organized, thanks to the unique blend of a practical planning templates and quality graphics that project timeline software offers. Since this software helps them to organize their projects in an easier, more detailed, less expensive, and more structured way, it is easy to understand why numerous companies favor this type of system over other comparable programs like PowerPoint, Excel, or Microsoft Project. It does all this, in part, by providing several distinct project views, which companies can choose among (using as many or as few as they want) to adapt it to the requirements of their projects and employees preferred working style.

For example, project timeline software automatically opens up into the timeline view, which clearly shows project working parameters where users can put in any information they would like by simply clicking on the boxes and 'dragging and dropping' information from other sources into them, or typing in the desired information in manually. The Timeline is an intuitive project overview that gives an overall perspective of the plan, it is also very adaptable, allowing user to change its appearance with various display options and simple formatting controls. This view is perfect for displaying project scope and/or progress, drafting charter documents and project proposals, and reviewing, defining, or updating diverse stages of a plan.

The Activity Group Summary is similar to the views above in that it provides a broad overview of project activities, but it provides them from a group point of view. This lets individuals associated with the project have a general idea of how personnel are grouped, and what their general responsibilities are.

For projects that require more detailed group information there is the Activity Group Detail view, which is includes two subgroups, the Action Overtime List, and the Action List. The Activity Group Detail focuses on activities that have been completed, or need to be done by providing a section for their objectives and deliverables, a mini-timeline, and a to-do list showing who will do what by when, etc. This list is designed for occasions when users need to list, go over or update specific project crucial activities, when they are working with the team to make sure everyone knows who is doing what, or when they are reviewing or reporting on progress. The Action List and Action of Overtime List views give a general overview of group activities and responsibilities that are great for reviewing and updating upcoming tasks, and can be organized by activity groups or person.

Objectives and Scope views provides a unique perspective on projects that helps with management, planning, and communication, because they contain activity logs, group summaries, action and contacts list specifically designed to do so. This, and previously mentioned Gantt chart software features, give companies what they need to organize and carry out every step of their projects.

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