Sunday, January 6, 2013

How To Change PS3 And XBOX 360 Controllers LED

By Bright Noah

Altering the LED lights inside your preferred controller is rather easy. For each controller you will need a low electrical power soldering iron, 60/40 rosin, a sponge, a pair of pointed tweezers, and your new LEDs. You can use a greater power level iron, but it is safer to start with a low watt so you stay clear of possibly damaging your motherboard. To open a 360 controller, you will need a t8 screwdriver. A small Phillips head screwdriver is made use of for the ps3. When taking the screws from the 360 controller there is a concealed screw discovered inside the battery pack terminal behind the oblong shaped bar code sticker label.

To start you will have to tin the soldering iron. This merely suggests to thaw rosin on the iron and then cleanse it off with your sponge. When cleaning the iron, I located it works best to obtain the sponge a little wet on one side. I like to clean the iron after each action to enhance contact.

When you have the screws secured there are a few actions you will wish to avoid breaking your controller case. To disassemble the xbox 360 controller, you will have to push in the thumbsticks and gently tear the controller apart. To prevent losing any of your buttons, I advise applying a strip of tape to the front of the controller to hold everything in place. After you have actually done this, you will should pull the rubber thumb sticks off their system, extract the motherboard, and set every little thing aside so you do not lose anything.

The PS3 controller is rather simpler to dismantle. When you have the screws eliminated, you will simply pull the two halves apart. Following, you will pull the rubber joysticks off, and pull the tab that connects the R's and L's off their clip. You are now prepared to get rid of the old lights from the motherboard.

To remove the LEDs, I like to use a method called floating. To do this, you will should thaw some rosin on the iron until it makes a little bit of bubble on the iron itself. It may look like it is going to fall off, but do not stress, it will remain on the iron. As soon as you have this done, you will drift the bubble backward and forward throughout the LED to remove it. This will most likely take simply a few seconds and the LED will stick to the rosin. Then you will simply clean the iron off and duplicate the process for each light.

Applying the brand-new LEDs is a little more difficult than taking them off. Initially, you will have to look at the bottom of the new LED and determine which side the arrow on the bottom is pointing. You will need to point the arrow to the negative side of the motherboard. If you can not figure this out, turn the power to the controller on and the LED will light up if you have correctly lined it up. I such as to leave the battery pack and the back half of the controller connected. This is so I could make use of the contact pad to turn the controller on. For the ps3, you could simply plug in the charging cable. When you have straightened them correctly, you will use your tweezers to hold the LED in place and simply add a little bit of rosin to both side and you are done. It may take some time however a little practice will make things a great deal easier. Now you are ready to show off your newly light controller with your most loved color lights!

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