In today's world, the use of credit cards is increasing in a fast, rapid manner. With the increase of the use of such cards, the industries regarding such cards are blooming fast. Now, as these industries are blooming, frauds are increasing in number as well. Now, to stop such problems, you need to be sure you have a proper security system that will ensure you that the money you are storing in your account and the transaction procedures you are going through are safe completely.
PCI Compliance applies to all the merchant organizations, regardless of the total number of transactions made. Any merchant that accepts or stores any cardholder data. Whenever any customer makes any purchase under the name of the organization, then the PCI Compliance directly applies. Level 4 Merchants have to refer to their Merchant Bank for validation and deadlines. All deadlines are enforced from the merchant banks only.
The basic goal that is fulfilled by this kind of PCI Compliance is to secure the information stored in the credit cards of the clients, and make their money safe from frauds. The security standards are needed to be updated for each and every year. It has been set up in the year 2006 and currently the version 2.0 is ongoing, which is released in the month of October of 2010.
Organizations which are not following PCI Compliance are subject to fines if any kinds of client complaints are filed against them. This program is started as five different programs for Visa Card, MasterCard, American Express, Discover and JCB data security respectively. Installing a stable and good quality firewall and maintaining it properly will help the organization to secure the data stored in one's data stored in his or, her credit card.
PCI Compliance is applicable to all the merchant organizations, regardless of the total number of transactions made, that accepts, stores any cardholder data. Whenever any customer makes any purchase under the name of the organization, then the PCI Compliance directly applies. All the merchants that transmits or stores a cardholder's data must be compliant. Level 4 Merchants have to refer to their Merchant Bank for validation and deadlines. All deadlines are enforced from the merchant banks only.
PCI Compliance applies to all the merchant organizations, regardless of the total number of transactions made. Any merchant that accepts or stores any cardholder data. Whenever any customer makes any purchase under the name of the organization, then the PCI Compliance directly applies. Level 4 Merchants have to refer to their Merchant Bank for validation and deadlines. All deadlines are enforced from the merchant banks only.
The basic goal that is fulfilled by this kind of PCI Compliance is to secure the information stored in the credit cards of the clients, and make their money safe from frauds. The security standards are needed to be updated for each and every year. It has been set up in the year 2006 and currently the version 2.0 is ongoing, which is released in the month of October of 2010.
Organizations which are not following PCI Compliance are subject to fines if any kinds of client complaints are filed against them. This program is started as five different programs for Visa Card, MasterCard, American Express, Discover and JCB data security respectively. Installing a stable and good quality firewall and maintaining it properly will help the organization to secure the data stored in one's data stored in his or, her credit card.
PCI Compliance is applicable to all the merchant organizations, regardless of the total number of transactions made, that accepts, stores any cardholder data. Whenever any customer makes any purchase under the name of the organization, then the PCI Compliance directly applies. All the merchants that transmits or stores a cardholder's data must be compliant. Level 4 Merchants have to refer to their Merchant Bank for validation and deadlines. All deadlines are enforced from the merchant banks only.
About the Author:
Looking to find the best deal on PCI compliance, then visit to find the best advice on the PCI compliance standards for you.
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