Saturday, August 11, 2012

Is A Mac Or Windows OS The Best Selection

By Amy Simson

The Windows vs Mac OS debate has been going on for a long time now, and is unlikely to be resolved. As long as some people are benefited by either system, they will be preferred by those people. In many ways, it depends on how you're going to be using your computer, as Windows is better for some applications, and Mac for others. This article is about what is best about each system.

When choosing a computer to buy, stay away from Windows, if you are worried about having a secure computer. Users of Windows are well-know to have most of the computer viruses directed at them. For some reason, users of a Mac are less likely to get a virus, but mainly the majority of people are using Windows. It doesn't seem to matter what attacks computers, even spyware and malware, it is more with Windows. This also means that if you do get a Windows OS, you will have to spend time and money on anti-virus software and make sure that it's always updated. If you have gotten a Mac, because the security is better, that is good, but don't let that stop you from being prepared. Lots of security issues happen, because of your own actions, so watch out for scam artists and hackers, and keep your personal information protected. So you have to use common sense no matter what kind of computer you're using.

Mac computers come with a wide variety of useful software programs installed. iDVD, iPhoto, iMovie and iWeb are all part of iLife, which comes with your Mac computer. If you have photos or videos that you want to share with others, you have that ability with these programs, and also they can be edited and organized. If you are looking for a computer that comes with good software, you won't find it in Windows. One selling point of a new PC is all of the included programs, but quite often you never realize you are only getting free trials, until you start getting asked to upgrade your program to be able to keep using it. You might be surprised after a couple of months, to be told you have to upgrade a program to keep using it. For PCs that don't cost a lot, this is particularly true. When comparing the price of a PC to a Mac, this is something to take into consideration.

The newest Mac release, Lion, has built in security to help keep you protected if you lose or if someone steals your laptop or your notebook. This feature, Remote Wipe, has been available on iPhones for quite a long time, but only recently has it been introduced to notebooks and laptops. This will help you remotely erase your whole hard drive if your computer is lost or stolen. If you keep personal or very sensitive information on your computer, this will offer you some genuine peace of mind. This feature works in concert with iCloud and it is only available with Lion OS. There is not yet any Windows based computer that will offer you anything that is comparable. Of course, it will also help if you backup any important data, so that if you ever have to erase your hard drive you won't lose anything important.

There are many choices to make when shopping for a computer, and getting a Windows or Mac OS is one of the first things you have to decide. After comparing the Mac and PC for price, versatility, interface and appearance, you should know what type of computer you want. Nobody knows what you want better than you, so after weighing the pros and cons of each system, you should be able to make a decision.

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