Tuesday, August 7, 2012

How Technology Created Paperless Faxing

By James Hodges

The old method of postal mail has been superseded by email and because of similar reasons paperless faxing is getting popular day by day. There are a lot of benefits in using paperless faxing, like we would save so much paper by just disposing off our old fax machines and use paperless faxing.

United States is known to use up 200 billion pages just on fax machines. Just by making 10% of this paperless, two million trees could be preserved every year. Since, increased fuel and manpower required in dispensing the end product in addition to fuel and water needed to manufacture paper, reducing fax paper usage indicates lower requirement of these resources.

Almost 215 million Kilowatt hours of energy could be saved by exercising email faxing on similar percentage which sufficient to provide power to New York Subway system for more than two months.700 million gallons of water could be preserved which is sufficient enough to provide the city of Philadelphia for about two days and we can get rid of six million pounds of air pollution which is almost as much as the air pollution produced by 500 cars yearly.

These are not the only advantages paperless faxing has over traditional faxing. Apart from faxing the pieces of paper old fax machines do, they can also fax files from different computer programs, like MS Word and MS Powerpoint and other everyday programs.

Now a days, with advancing technology, fax-to-email services are now available on your smartphone through which you can send and receive faxes. This eliminates the need to leave your place and send a fax, check the availability of fax machine, locate a fax machine, wait long hours while receiving and sending multiple faxes. All one needs is internet access on your smartphone and you can preserve faxes in addition to sending and receiving.

Email faxing is also secure. This is an advantage since your account is protected by a password and you can use your email account to send and receive faxes. Anti-virus systems deliver added security to the fax-to-email serves which are otherwise secure.

You do not require to have any telephone, fax machine, software to sign up for a paperless fax by email or purchasing any new hardware, you can easily sign up by using your credit card everything will be ready to use after signing up.

An email account and an internet connection is all you require. The advantage is the assurance that there will be no delays due to paper jams, busy lines and empty cartridges because everything is handled online and in exceptional quality.

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