Monday, June 25, 2012

How To Tap A Cell Phone Using Discreet Smartphone Surveillance Software

By Graham Stevenson

Many individuals and businesses around the world are, from time to time, eager to discover how to Tap A Cell Phone sent and received on a cell phone used by a friend, family member or business partner. Early versions of this software tools were expensive, clunky and hard to use. Things have changed. The latest generation of these snooping tools are now much improved. The technology is affordable and smart. It can monitor all text message sent and received by a cell phone as well as the calls, emails, IMs, Facebook posts, web browsing, geographic location, address book contacts, videos, photos, music files and document files. The list is comprehensive.

Cell phones have forever changed how we live, work and play. For most people, they are an essential item that they cannot live without. People carry them everywhere; some even take them to bed and tuck them under the pillow. Cell phones are literally ubiquitous. More cell phones are sold than personal computers.

The surveillance software tools collect a ton of information detailing the complete content of all text messages (word for word) sent from the monitored cell phone as well as the number to which they were sent, plus the time and day on which they were sent. Similar data is collected for SMSs sent to the monitored cell phone. And again similar details are collected for other forms of communications and files completed with the cell phone.

The current version of surveillance tools are compatible with many cell phone OS. Apple iPhone, Apple iPad, RIM Blackberry, Google Android, Windows, Symbian and so on are all covered by most surveillance tools. They allow the snoop to adjust surveillance parameters remotely and in real time via their own cell phone.

Additionally, the activity logs generated by the tools are usually searchable by cell phone number as well as other nominated parameters. They can also be easily converted to CSV format for importing into a database. The snoop can instruct that nominated contents on the target cell phone be deleted from the target device. The snoop can also remotely lock and unlock the device.

Snooping tools are installed on cell phones for many reasons. It could be a business partner is releasing sensitive board room information to suppliers and competitors. Or perhaps a spouse is seeing someone else for an illicit love affair outside a marriage. Another common case involves parents concerned their teenage child is mixing with a bad crowd and want to check if pornography, sex or drugs are part of their scene. Surveillance tools allow these and similar issues to be put to rest quickly and with discretion.

Activity logs for the target cell phone are automatically sent from the device over the Internet to a remote web server that supports the surveillance software. To view the activity logs, the snoop signs on to the website that acts as a portal into the server. The web portal is organised so that each activity (texts, calls, emails, etc) can be found easily and the relevant data quickly analysed.

In conclusion, most software surveillance tools are equipped with their own autonomous activity reporting (or logging) capability. This is important because it means the cell phone activity data will not be lost if it is erased from the cell phone by the user. This feature makes just that much easier to How To Tap A Cell Phone.

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