Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Technology of the Future: New iPhone Case

By Matt Liquori

I have recently seen, in a few blogs, a couple of folks talking about how impressive the new iPhone case is, and after reading some of the articles, I agree. This isn't like when the iPad dock first came out, and everyone deemed it was going to bring a revolution for the technology industry. It's more like when iTunes first came out, how it was picked up slowly but now, it is on virtually every computer in America.

The Clone Power Case from Apple comes with a new advantage. This feature is a back up battery pack that can give an additional 6 to 8 hours of battery. In addition to this being flat out cool, it is also something that can change the whole industry. It would reduce the need to have more than one iPhone charger. In the future, I think that this is going to be adapted by any and all manufacturers, mainly because they won't want the competition to be a step ahead of them.

Commodities like the iPad dock were very interesting to see come into the technology world, however, it is understandable why they aren't products that became movers and shakers in the industry. They get too regular too quickly, in addition to that, they aren't something that can be turned from an accessory into a necessity.

Think about it in the starting days of the cell phone it was almost a flop. They weren't that popular but now, some homes don't have land line phones anymore because of the how often we use our cell phones. This is what I mean when I say turning something from an accessory into a necessity.

The new iPhone case will become a necessity, just mark my words. Soon we will see Android and other smartphone providers making casings with more battery packs inside of them.

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