Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Use Your To-Do List to Take Real Action

By Grant Frances

The Internet marketing business model is a difficult one for people who want to start with nothing and grow their business into something major. However, if you know how to focus your attention on your goals properly and are good at getting things done, you will be way ahead of your competition. Here are some of the tips that you can use to get more accomplished with your to-do list.

Give Yourself Meaningful Rewards: When you successfully complete your to-do list, let yourself have a treat. Offering yourself a reward for putting forth some real effort is a great way to keep up your motivation level so you can reach future goals too. You, as a human, have it in your nature to run from pain and run toward pleasure so the treat you offer yourself provides a much needed incentive. For example, promise yourself that you'll take your wife out to dinner at your favorite restaurant if you finish your to-do list. Rewarding yourself creates a positive effect inside yourself and makes you feel happy about achieving your goal. Beyond that, as you work on your to-do list, you will have your eyes fixed on your prize and that provides the added incentive to finish your to-do list even faster.

So go ahead and decide how you'll reward yourself to make your to-do list work. Leave the List Visible All Day Long: If you'd like to make sure that you are always taking action on your to-do list it needs to be somewhere that you can easily see it because putting it away let's you forget that it exists. It is important to focus all of your efforts on ensuring that you aren't ignoring your list because a distraction caught your attention and wouldn't let go and helped you forget that your to-do list even existed. To use one example: let's say that your port of choice for your to-do list is a computer application; make sure that the application is always open on your screen so that you are always looking at it. Besides that, if you keep the list in front of your face, you will start to feel urgent about finishing the list and that helps you keep taking action so that you can finish it.

Start Your Day with Your To-Do List: One of the best ways to ensure that you actually finish your list is to start your day with it. It's true; if you get into the habit of sitting down and writing out your to-do list first thing every day, you will have a lot more energetic about making sure that you stick to the list and complete it. Because your productivity is typically best when your day is just starting out so that is the best time to organize your list as best as you can. What matters most is how well you can create your list and how much work you put into making sure you finish it each day. Creating a to do list is nothing but planning your day and making it more productive in the process, and therefore, there's no better time to do it than the start of your day.

If there is something that deserves your time and attention it is being able to do as much as possible in as little time as possible and composing a good to-do list is the best first step to take for that.

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